woensdag 23 februari 2011

Daily Food Routine

It seems quite some people actually are reading my blog, which is awesome so thank you for that!

Today I would like to get into eating and drinking habbits most of the friends I know have. Mind you that everything in here I give as advice is based on personal experience, I did not research it but to me it seemed quite logical.

For the last couple of years my daily routine was (skipping college ofc.) get up, turn on pc, notice you don't have any food laying around, go to the 24/7 store, buy crap that's not that healthy. So I would go to the nightstore everyday and my average receipt would have looked something like this:

- Big bottle of Coca Cola
- Big can of Red-Bull/random energy drink
- 2 snickers/marses whatever

I used to live on this a few days in the week. The days that I felt really bad I just ordered a pizza  at Domino's filling up that energy slots my body was craving for. I also took a bunch of vitamin pills a day. Thinking back to it actually makes me feel quite miserable now.

You might have guessed that this is really bad for your body, and I also found out it made me feel quite depressed at times. After a while I moved to this new student dorm with 12 people in it, and a quite social atmosphere. I had to adapt for quite some time, but somehow I managed to get a deal with a roomie, and it ended up that she would cook for me alot.

After a week or so eating healthy, I noticed I had alot more energy to go about, felt happier and actually looked better too (not as pale as I used to). What I'm trying to get to is that food really reflects on the way you feel. You eat good, you feel good. You eat crap, you feel crap.

I know there are quite some gamers out there that treat their bodies like a second-hand sweater. My advice to you is: don't! It's no problem eating fast-food, doing drugs and drinking yourselves to hell now and then, but try to get some real vitamins in there aswell. Try to fit it in your daily routine. I know it sounds like a hassle to cook, but I can assure you, you can be done in 10 minutes if you want. In the end, you're only helping yourself.

32 opmerkingen:

  1. Throwing some exercise in there can also do wonders!

  2. My daily eating habits used to be similar. Especially with Coca Cola. I now try and eat as much fresh food as possible and have actually turned out to be quite a chef. I love to cook now.

  3. healthy food and excercise... that's how you make yourself happier. just made me a meatloaf btw... not exactly healthy but yummi ;)

  4. Good advices. Can get very easy to neglect your health.

  5. Ever since I moved out of my parents house I have started eating much healthier out of necessity. It is cheaper to buy and grow fresh fruit and veg than to eat fast / convenient food. The first month that I ran out of food I learnt real quick! A month or so of eating nothing but soup and bread makes you realise you need to budget, and part of budgeting for me was moving to fresh produce and cooking more from scratch.

    Great blog, followed.

  6. It's good to lay down the fast food but that doesn't mean that you can never eat it again.
    I used to be fat around my stomach area but after some exercise it got better and gave me a confidence boost.

  7. oh, hey, this box is a cigarette box ;)

  8. not only is it easy to actually cook it's also usually alot cheaper than eating out. for 5 bucks you can feed yourself for the day by cooking at home rather than for the one meal by going to BK

  9. you get out what you put in... if you feed your body junk your going to get junk performance...

  10. Get a girlfriend and make her buy food and cook. problem solved

  11. I sadly eat pretty unhealthy, changing your diet can effect your health a lot.

  12. I want to follow a nutritional blog now

  13. Walking is good for the heart more so than jogging or running.

  14. I swear by eating spinach salads. It costs practically nothing, and I love salad dressing. I noticed that eating greens makes a huge difference in how I feel.

  15. I know this can be common, but I can't believe how people can live like the way you did.

  16. People always say that I eat well but in reality it's just because I don't really like sweet/sugar stuff. I can't stand things like soda, chocolate and cake.

    I guess I'm just lucky really.

  17. I've got to get into the habit of eating right.

  18. good advice man, doing sport and eating healthy are the best help

  19. Very relatable post! Used to have a diet like that too when I just moved out of my parents house.. but when I started eating more fruits and vegetables and even cooking properly I felt a lot better and had way more energy!

  20. Haha, love the blog idea. keep it up man. also, mars bars rock!

  21. Man, I like to play, but I am not nearly as hardcore as you!

  22. You have to be sure and stay away from cheetos though...those things will make your fingers orange and get all over the controller / keyboard

  23. Eating healthy is a good thing.

    Cooking your own food instead of buying it whole is better.

  24. I have recently started to worry about my weight, when I was younger I was always the "skinny boy" and now I'm the fatso (I'm not fat, just big boned) lol

  25. Preaching to the choir here brother. I completely agree.

  26. Ah man I wish i could have a diet like yours haha
    Im a fitness freak though so I can only dream of being able to eat such great foods
